Household Products

Combat Rising Energy Prices with Energy Saver Plus and the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program

In the face of rapidly increasing gas and electricity prices across Australia, households are seeking ways to manage these rising costs. Energy Saver Plus is here to help.

We assist you in saving money and enhancing the comfort of your home through energy-efficient products such as heating and cooling, hot water, weather sealing and many other products all made accessible through The Victorian Energy Upgrade Program.

Combat Rising Energy Costs with Energy Saver Plus

Energy-efficient appliances and weather sealing are practical solutions to manage rising energy costs, delivering the same performance using less energy.

Learn more about our Household Products

The Benefits

Rebates and Free Products

Energy Saver Plus can help you navigate various programs that provide rebates on a range of energy-efficient products and appliances. In some circumstances certain products can be installed free of charge or at significantly reduced cost.

Home Comfort

Energy-efficient products and weather sealing from Energy Saver Plus can help maintain a comfortable temperature in your home all year round, keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Long-Term Savings

The savings on your energy bills from using energy-efficient appliances from Energy Saver Plus will accrue over the lifetime of the product and installation, making them a smart investment in the long run.

Environmental Impact

By using less energy, these upgrades reduce your household's carbon footprint, contributing to a healthier planet. Start your journey towards energy efficiency today with Energy Saver Plus. Save money, enhance home comfort, and do your part for our environment.

Household Products

The hot water rebate (formerly the solar hot water rebate) of up to $1,000 is available on eligible heat pump and hot water systems.

We can help you obtain a discount or rebate on a heating/cooling system upgrade.